Friday, October 22, 2010

Do you think the US values education as much as Nicaragua?

Our homeland is known as the land of opportunity. Like most poor countries, in this case Nicaragua, this statement is very true. Comparing Nicaragua to the US, it is merely a valley at the base of a mountain.
Here in the Us we take education for granite. Most kids now of these days don't even like to go to school- they hate it! Also, we have plenty of paper, pencils, and other supplies that any Nicaraguan kid would die to have. Most of this just goes to waste because we have plenty to replace it by.
Thanks to good paying jobs, we as a whole have plenty of money. This allows us not only to attend school and college but also provide food, shelter, and necessities. In Nicaragua, families can barely stay alive, let alone send their children to school which they strive to do.
Our nation wouldn't be much better than Nicaragua's if it wasn't for our construct government and individual EDUCATIONS! Every worker knows a different trade than another and with this, it keeps the nation alive. That's Nicaragua's problem, crappy government and lack of EDUCATION, which not only betters one's life but the countries as well!
I'm so thankful to be in the US and not Nicaragua. If only everyone (especially school children) could live life in Nicaragua for at least a day, they would understand and cherish two things. One is why education is so important and the other is how bad they strive through life to obtain it and make their homelands a better place.

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